
Pastor Roger

Pastor Roger joined the Living Hope Community Church staff as Senior Pastor in August 2017. He answered God’s call to ministry in 2009. He is a long-time local resident and also continues to farm in the Minier-Hopedale area. He and his wife, Eileen, live on the family farm and have 4 adult children. He invites everyone to come and visit LHCC, an alive and growing church where God’s Word is preached and lived out 

Worship Coordinator Jason Birkey

Jason serves as worship coordinator and is incredibly passionate about pizza; and even more passionate about music AND pizza.  He works relentlessly for the Lord behind the scenes and upfront during worship services weaving a tapestry of notes. Along with his love for our Lord, is also his love for his wife, Amanda, and their three awesome children, Julianna, Jackson, and Annabelle. He joined the staff in 2009 and has attended Living Hope Community Church since birth.

Secretary Eileen Springer

Living Hope Community Church Secretary